Friday, October 27, 2006

Flood-stagnation all around

The day started very slowly for me today .It was a sombre sort of a day ,when i wake up in the morning, gloomy all around the sky when i look thru my room rear window.I slept late night yesterday and the combination of a chill weather around ,gave me an extended run in the bed .Then i got up by 9.00 am by the time all of my roommates were already left for the office.It gave me a deserted and insecure feeling of being alone that too when all my batchmates and roommates were almost settled in life.Honestly this feeling rose me up from the bed.Then i came online met kishore .It was time when all my plan for buying a book for CAT from TIME office ,was washed out by rain .The chances were further ruined when the phone number given by karthik was not attended by anyone.Rain was as heavy as such i didnt even bother to go out to take my breakfast.The sky seemed bit settled around was high time to take lunch as i felt so hungry .With a silky-orange shaded umbrella in my hand ,my pants rolled over the knee ,walked slowly and carefully(obviously looking for man-holes ) on the street ,heading towards the hotel.
After lunch when i came back it was all set for the SA versus Pakistan match.A virtual quater final and a virtual distraction to my preparation.All again it was a toss up between the match and the preparation and all again it was the cricket which i chose abandoning my preparation.Right from the day i remember used watching cricket ,when it comes choosing between cricket and studying ,i proudly can say that i never compromised cricket over anything,leave the studies behind :) .Many times it costed me bit heavier than lighter, but still i havent learnt any lessons from it .It is as similar a situation As such many batsmen could not resist the temptation of playing shots to a ball bowled wide and short ,few balls can go for boundary (as i havent got into the mess yet),but there are more chances of u being caught .
.Eventhough i got out many times in this fashion ,i am playing the same shot time and again :).

Regarding the match it was an abject surrender of pakistani batsmen by any means .They bowled well to restrict the SA to a reachable total ,eventhough from 42-5 they reached 214 at the end .The 132 run patnership with Boucher and kemp literally taken the game away and won the match for SA.It was a commendable effort from both the batsmen especially Boucher who had the innate resilence to fight against the odds.I very rarely seen him throwing his wicket .An Un hailed cricketer by the media in particular.The hurting part about the Indian media is even before dhoni has made his international century ..he was compared with the ranks of Gilchrist.But the media never goes gaga over such calm and compose natured cricketer who has shown his fortitude many times when the team suffered, and won so many matches for SA.Even while chasing a record target of 434 his fortitude and resilence has won the match not the fashioned hair style.But the media is all particular about dhonis hairstyle rather than writing an article about any such comtemporary cricketer.Back to the match ,it is good to see kemp among the runs after gone through a slump.He is one of the few cricketers who could turn the match on their heads by hitting towering sixes and audacious pull-shots.There were two doubtful LBW decision gone in favour of SA ,given by inconsistent umpire Billy Bowden,but at the end of the day it wud not have made much of the difference.Finally yet again ,Boucher was robbed of a MOM award .It was very unconvincing to give the award to a bowler in the conditions suiting them .

In between karthik came to my room as there was no power supply at his house.When the match was almost over we went to ratna cafe to have dinner.We spoke about the preparation stratagies and his pressure in the office.One thing i inferred from him while speaking was,Eventhough many crave for success ,it is very few who acheive it easily ,for the rest it has been a hard fought affair .In my chequered career so far ,had i got something ,it was only after a long fight.Never the life has been a easy -ball game for me .The people around us ,who got to do well with so far and tasted success in all quarters even in deceiving and underrating others especially, will be mocking at us .should they be mutilated or slapped on their face for their act of fingering out on us .No way,.No such autocratic methods be followed.Let them be a part of the society ,we have to learn to live along with them .It is not we de-facto are living for them but for us.Finally Let our deeds prove a point or two for them rather than anything.


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